
"Double bassa nova"

Junior, our house-musician for several months, has now got company. The Norwegian doublebass player Aasmund Kleivenes, who came to Rio in October last year to study and practice, has desided to accompany Junior for a few weeks here at Café Sotéro. They are performing traditional bossa nova and MPB (música popular brasileira). For further details on Aasmund (only in Norwegian - Aasmund is returning to Norway in May) www.munnmunn.com


Exibition - Photographer Joseph Arena

Since the beginning of January, Sotero has been showing some of Joseph Arena's many price winning photos. Read more on: www.josephnet.net


Sotéro Music - for download

Often we get questions about the music we play at Sotéro. We have not yet done our own collection, but we hopefully will soon. As for the time being you can downlaod this great, bossa-inspired mix from Emily Jones, as it is already available at her site: www.emilyjones.ca . A mix very much like the style we like to play at our café. Enjoy!

Dreaming of Summer Mix

1 Vuelvo Al Sur (Koop Remix) - Astor Piazzolla (Chicooligan)
2 Seaside (Nicola Conte Remix) - Buscemi ft. Isabelle Antena (Downsall Plastics)
3 The Way-Out - Les Hommes (Schema)
4 O Preguicoso - Intuit (Compost)
5 Foto Viva (Nicola Conte Remix) - Mo' Horizons (Stereo Deluxe)
6 Ipanema - Rosalia De Souza (Schema)
7 Pascalito's Theme - Nu Tropic (Comet Records)
8 Descarga - Part One - Gerardo Frisina (Schema)
9 Summer Sun - Koop - (Compost)
10 Adriana - Five Corners Quintet/Rosalia De Souza (Schema)
11 Rendez-vous Á Minuit - S-Tone (Schema)

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